Our Hospices

Dindigul, Chengalpattu, Chennai, Vellore, Pondicherry

+91­ 9360376678

About Us

A Few Words About Us

Our first Hospice situated at Mettur Gate, near Kodai Road , in Dindigul District was started in 2006 and has now 325 dying destitute of which 140 are women and 185 men. Every week there is an average of 7 persons who die here in human dignity .

Till Jan 2016,more than 1900 people have so far died here in peace . At the same time, last 12 years , more than 8000 people have been healed and restored and have gone back to their places of choice.

Our second hospice

We started a second Hospice not far from Chingleput, only 90 minutes drive away from Chennai airport in 2011. 16 acres of land was donated by a kind soul where 500 patients from the cities of Chennai,Pondichery,Vellore etc. can be accommodated. Situated 16kms.close to Vedanthangal, a world famous bird sanctuary, the second Hospice is a sanctuary for ill and homeless destitute who otherwise die on the pavements and gutters, uncared, unloved and unmourned.

Our third hospice

A third, small Hospice at Tambaram near the Chennai airport was started as a collection centre in December 2014 where only about 30 patients are accommodated. When the traffic is a bit calm,during the wee hours of the morning, we bring them to our bigger second Hospice in batches of 6 to 8 patients. We are looking forward to starting similar holding Hospices in the North Chennai area and the city of Pondichery. Our good news is that the Salesians of Chennai Province has come forward to give us a 3.75 acre plot of land with a building near Vellore. We hope to start a 4th Hospice there in April 2016 for about 150 dying destitute.

These Hospices and a rehab centre for the blind and handicapped are run by the Trust called,"Light for the Blind India".The CEO is Fr.Thomas.

We have started a fourth hospice at Vellore with the help of the Salesians of Chennai Province who gave us a 3.75 acre plot of land with a building.


We admit only dying destitutes abandoned bu families and friends. There is no caste, color, sex or age distinction.

Dedicated staff

We have a dedicated staff of 24 young women and men who make all the difference to this place. A doctor visits us once a fortnight and is on call anytime.

How it's done

We run this place entirely on public charity with no government subsidy whatever. We recycle everything here and convert waste into energy


Our mission is to give human dignity to those who otherwise die on the pavements, in bus stations , railway stations and other public places, abandoned by family and friends, and left to die like animals without any human dignity .

Our intention is to give unsolicited love and care for those neglected by family and friends and thrown on the dust heap of our society by giving them a protected accommodation, a soft bed to lie on, with basic medicine, with a proper bath and clean cloth and three square meals every day.

In last five years, more than 4,200 people have been healed and restored and have gone back to their places of choice. To date 1179 people have died in peace.

©2017 St. Joseph's Hospices


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